Tuesday, October 25, 2011

7 Months

I was asked all the time by other moms "don't you just love this age" or "this age is just so fun isn't it?" And I kept waiting to feel that way about what Lily was doing. Don't get me wrong, I always love her, I think she is the most adorable baby ever and enjoy being her mom...I just wasn't constantly having fun.


But if someone asked me that right now I would answer with a resounding YES! Someone please ask me that sometime soon. Her little body is just exploding with personality these days. She no longer wants to cuddle with me (the one part of this new stage that I am not enjoying) but just wants to soak in her world. She is constantly exploring with her new army crawl which is getting faster everyday. She is pulling herself up on low objects and people- she can be entertained for such a long time if I just lay on the floor and let her crawl all over me and let her pinch my face to pieces. OUCH (by the way a word she just laughs at no matter how hard I try to make it mean something). I find myself so exhausted by the end of the day but I just love it.


Sometimes when I put her to sleep I find myself just holding her long after her eyes close and her breathing slows...soaking up the sweet, calm baby and giving her kisses that she can't dodge as she struggles to break free and play.


She is perfect and I love being her mommy.


1 comment:

  1. This is so cute Hannah!! I wish the pics would show up on my computer because I am positive they are adorable. I can't wait to see you and Lily next month and see how much she has grown!!
    Miss you & love you chica!!
